Demolition Permits Issued for 813 E 63rd Street in Woodlawn

Last week, a demolition permit was issued to remove a mixed-use masonry building located at 813 E 63rd Street in the Woodlawn neighborhood. The permit’s owner has been listed as the Preservation of Affordable Housing (POAH). The nonprofit developer owns and operates a number of affordable rental apartments in more than a dozen Chicago communities since the inception of the local chapter in 2008.

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Groundbreaking Held For Sustainable Affordable Apartments In Garfield Park

A groundbreaking has been held for the affordable housing project at 401 N Monticello Avenue in East Garfield Park. Dubbed the Conservatory Apartments, the structure will be located just north of the train tracks and the namesake Garfield Park Conservatory. It is replacing a vacant surface parking lot once used by the now closed Laura Ward Elementary School directly across the street. The project is being led by the Interfaith Housing Development Corporation (IHDC) and was designed by Michigan-based HED Architecture.

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New Permits Issued for 1942 W Belmont Avenue in North Center

A new permit was issued last week for the construction of a new three-story residential construction located at 1942 W Belmont Avenue in the North Center neighborhood. The permit’s owners have been listed as Sustainabuild LLC and the plans state that this building will include six units and a basement. The building will also have a roof deck and rear decks on all levels, as well as a detached six-vehicle garage with its own roof deck.

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2700 N Sheffield Avenue at Edith Spurlock Apartments. Rendering by RATIO

Sheffield of Lincoln Park Approaching Completion in Lincoln Park

Final facade work is now underway for a six-story residential building at 2700 N Sheffield Avenue in Lincoln Park. Known as “Sheffield of Lincoln Park,” the project is part of a broader renovation plan by Pihrl and the Chicago Housing Authority to renovate the Edith Spurlock Apartment complex, whose two existing buildings were originally built in the 1960s. Set to replace a parking lot between the pair of structures, the new 85-foot-tall edifice will house 80 residences to bring the complex’s total up to 485 units.

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