Plan Commission Approves Residential Development At 2548 S Federal Street In Douglas

The Chicago Plan Commission has approved the residential development at 2548 S Federal Street in Douglas. Known as the SL Solar Lofts, the project will rehabilitate the existing Rapid Roller Company factory built in 1928 as well as expand it vertically to allow for more residences. Having exchanged owners this past spring for $3.5 million, its new owners and developer 548 Capital have partnered with local architects Gregory Ramon Design Studio on the updated design.

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One North Wacker

Dead by Design #3: One North Wacker in The Loop

This week, the “Dead by Design” series of cancelled Chicago towers will focus its spotlight on One North Wacker Drive, an 83-story office tower in The Loop. In 1989, real estate developer Harvey Walken first proposed the 1,276-foot edifice, which at the time would have made it fourth tallest in the world behind only the Sears (now Willis) Tower and New York’s twin towers.

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