Mars Factory Receives Preliminary Landmark Status

Preliminary landmark status has been granted to the Mars Candy Factory at 2019 N Oak Park Avenue in Galewood. Sitting on the intersection with W Armitage Avenue adjacent to the Mars Metra station, the large factory served an important role in Chicago’s confectionery history. The status was granted by the Commission on Chicago Landmarks at their latest meeting as it prepares to close in 2024.

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400 Lake Shore. Rendering by SOM

Construction Logistics Meeting Announced For 400 N Lake Shore Drive In Streeterville

A community meeting has been announced to discuss the start of construction for 400 N Lake Shore Drive in Streeterville. Sitting atop of the former Spire site, the two-tower development has been in the works for many years. Most recently a financing meeting was held and now Alderman Reily is running the logistics meeting. The project is being led by Related Midwest who tapped architecture firm SOM for its design.

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