Tax Incentives Approved For Flatiron Building In Wicker Park

Tax incentives have been approved for the Flatiron Building at 1579 N Milwaukee Avenue in Wicker Park. Located at the heart of the neighborhood on its six-corner intersection, the artists lofts-filled structure most recently saw the closures of Bank of America and Debonair Social Club on its first floor. The Class L tax incentives were approved by the Commission on Chicago Landmarks earlier this month.

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1323 S Ashland Avenue

Checking in on 1323 S Ashland Avenue in Near West Side

With demolition now complete and a full permit issued this past September, the planned commercial building at 1323 S Ashland Avenue in Near West Side is currently awaiting foundation work to begin. The property, developed by 4S Bay Partners, was previously occupied by the St. Stephenson Missionary Baptist Church. Designed by BauerLatoza Studio, the replacing building features a modern metal and glass exterior with distinct, color-varied cylindrical sections.

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