Initial Plans Revealed For Community Garden At 2133 W Charleston Street In Bucktown

Initial plans have been revealed for a community garden at 2133-35 W Charleston Street in Bucktown. Located just east of the intersection with N Leavitt Street, the proposal will replace a now vacant lot which once held a century-old workers cottage that was torn down by the previous owner. Now a group of neighbors are hoping to strike a deal with the current developer who is willing to sell for the right plan. While the designer has not been disclosed, the community is moving towards their first community meeting soon.

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Demolition Permits Issued for 2651 W Cortez Street in West Town

Demolition permits have been issued for the removal of a two-story multi-unit residential building located at 2651 W Cortez Street in West Town. The owner has been listed as 2651 W Cortez LLC. According to the permit, Dexco Corporation will be acting as the demolition contractor for this removal. Given the recency of permits issued, no future construction plans have yet been made public.

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City Council Approves Residential Development At 2236 W Cermak Avenue In Heart Of Chicago

The Chicago City Council has approved a zoning application for a residential development at 2236 W Cermak Avenue in Heart Of Chicago. Located just east of the intersection with S Oakley Avenue, the project will replace a vacant lot near the industrial area of the Chicago River’s southern branch. Developer 2236 Cermak LLC has partnered up with local design firm Hanna Architects who have worked on various other smaller residential buildings across the city.

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New Permits Issued for 4039 S Calumet Avenue in Bronzeville

New construction permits were issued this week for a new three-story residential building slated for 4039 S Calumet Avenue in Bronzeville. Eagle OZB is listed as the owner, and the new three-unit project will come equipped with rear open decks, fencing around the property, a trash enclosure, and a detached three-vehicle garage. The parcel was previously occupied by a vacant grass lot.

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