Fulton Market

345 North Aberdeen demolition

Demolition Nearly Complete Of Former Cougle Building At 345 North Aberdeen In Fulton Market

Demolition is almost complete on the former Cougle Commission Co. building at 345 North Aberdeen Street in Fulton Market. A permit to tear down the single-story structure was permitted on March 10; demo fencing had surrounded the site on a trip through the neighborhood back in late February, so the permit came as no surprise. Another visit Tuesday, March 18 turned up mostly rubble and scrap material.

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1201 West Fulton demolitons

Demolitions Carried Out To Make Space for 1201 West Fulton

A pair of buildings at Racine and Fulton in the Fulton Market District are in various states of destruction, as Heneghan Wrecking works to clear a site for redevelopment. A visit during the last week of January showed little remaining of the former Revel space along Fulton, and a visit Monday showed the demo crew making their way toward the front of the Christensen & Olsen Foundry Company building at 218 North Racine Avenue.

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