Fulton Market

1020 W Randolph Street

Dual Cores Reach Fifth Floor of 1020 W Randolph Street in Fulton Market

The dual cores have nearly topped out for 1020 W Randolph Street in Fulton Market District. L3 Capital is behind this five-story mixed-use development, yielding ground-floor retail and boutique Class A offices on the upper levels. The top of the building will feature an amenity enclosure and a 1,850-square-foot rooftop deck. Meanwhile, the 22,000 square feet of interior space will offer sleek finishes, living walls, and expansive warehouse-style windows.

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210 N Aberdeen Street. Rendering by NORR

Caisson Permit Issued for 210 N Aberdeen Street in Fulton Market

A caisson permit has been issued for a new 19-story mixed-use building at 210 N Aberdeen Street in Fulton Market. The 239-foot-tall structure has been planned by LG Development Group, and will sit on an L-shaped site. Having required a zoning change from C1-1, Neighborhood Commercial District, to DX-7, Downtown Mixed-Use District, the scheme calls for 10,700 square feet of retail, above which will be 414 apartment units.

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View of 1150 W Lake Street. Rendering by Gensler

Demolition Begins for 1150 W Lake Street in Fulton Market

Demolition has begun for 1150 W Lake Street in Fulton Market District, where LG Development Group has planned for a major mixed-use development. Straddling the elevated CTA’s elevated tracks, the two-tower scheme includes an 18-story building at the northern end replacing, as well as a 29-story building the southern end. The shorter edifice will be replacing a formerly vacant lot, while the taller tower will replace multiple single-story masonry buildings that are now being removed.

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900 W Randolph Street

900 Randolph Surpasses 300-foot Mark in Fulton Market

Structural work has surpassed the 300-foot mark for the 43-story mixed-use tower at 900 W Randolph Street in Fulton Market. Upon its completion in 2024, the skyscraper will be the second tallest in the broader West Loop district at a height of 495 feet, with 727 W Madison surpassing it by just a foot. Co-developers Related Midwest and Tucker Development planned for 300 for-rent apartment units atop a ground-floor retail component.

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Construction Begins for 360 N Green Street in Fulton Market District

Construction has begun for a 24-story mixed-use tower at 360 N Green Street in Fulton Market District. The 399-foot high rise developed by Sterling Bay will feature two retail spaces spanning a total of 5,400 square feet, along with offices as the primary programming. This project is set to replace a former vacant lot at the northeast corner of the rapidly developing neighborhood. Nearly 100 feet taller than adjacent projects like 333 N Green Street and 800 W Fulton Market, 360 N Green Street will add a dramatic presence to the emerging West Loop skyline.

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