800 W Lake Street

Plan Commission Approves 800 W Lake Street In Fulton Market

The Chicago Plan Commission has approved the mixed-use development at 800 W Lake Street in Fulton Market. Located on the corner with N Halsted Street at the eastern edge of the neighborhood, the project is the latest iteration of proposals for the site that previously held a few commercial buildings. Developers Ascend Real Estate and Intercontinental Real Estate Group are working with GREC Architects on the current design.

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4317 N Paulina Street via Google Maps

Permit Issued for 4317 N Paulina Street in Lake View

4317 Paulina LLC has received a permit for a new residential development at 4317 N Paulina Street in Lake View. Replacing a two-story masonry residence, the new three-story structure will yield eight units. The project will come with various outdoor spaces including a roof deck, front decks spanning the first to third floors, and a rear first-story deck. Additional features include a trash enclosure and a basement. There will be eight total parking spaces, occupying both attached and detached garages with roof decks.

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1840 N Marcey Street Advances To Committee On Zoning

The mixed-use development at 1840 N Marcey Street in Lincoln Park has advanced to be reviewed by the Committee on Zoning. Located west of N Clybourn Avenue and across the river from Lincoln Yards, the proposal will replace a one-story commercial building near the recently announced 2033 N Kingsbury Avenue. Developer Sterling Bay is working with local-firm SCB on its design, adding to all of their other surrounding projects.

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