Life Rings Appear Along Lake Michigan After Years Of Advocacy From Rogers Park Neighbors

In recent weeks life rings have appeared along Chicago beaches. Their presence is thanks in part to a bill introduced by Rep. Kelly Cassidy (D-Rogers Park) following the drowning death of 19-year-old Miguel Cisneros in the summer of 2021 near Farwell Pier.  Rogers Park neighbors have seen a number of drowning deaths at the location, and community members have installed rings as preventative measures and have pushed the district for years to respond to drowning deaths.

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Zoning Board of Appeals Passes Variances for 3449 N Ashland Avenue in Lake View

The Zoning Board of Appeals has approved variances for a five-story residential development at 3449 N Ashland Avenue in Lake View. The project site is situated at the southeast corner of the intersection of N Ashland Avenue and W Cornelia Avenue and has approximately 200 feet of street frontage. Contemporary Concepts Inc is the developer for the project which will replace two existing commercial masonry buildings. Demolition permits for the existing buildings were issued in March of this year. Permits for the construction itself have yet to be filed.

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