Details Revealed For Altenheim Line Trail On The West Side

Initial details for the framework of a new elevated trail on the west side spanning Homan Square and North Lawndale have been reviewed by the Committee on Design. In what is a first for the committee, the plan for the ‘Altenheim Line’ was presented by the Department of Planning and Development who is working with the Chicago Department of Transportation and Department of Housing, along with the design team consisting of SOM, HOOD Design Studio, and Latent Design.

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2700 N Sheffield Avenue at Edith Spurlock Apartments. Rendering by RATIO

New Addition for Edith Spurlock Sampson Apartments Rises at 2700 N Sheffield Avenue in Lincoln Park

Structural work can be seen rising for the new six-story addition at Edith Spurlock Apartments in Lincoln Park. This new 85-foot-tall structure will be nestled between the complex’s two existing buildings, which are undergoing renovation as part of the development. Residing under the address 2700 N Sheffield Avenue, the added segment will provide an additional 80 residential units. The existing structures will also add 11 new units as part of the renovations. Altogether, there will be 485 apartments on the Edith Spurlock Apartment Grounds once all the work is complete. The Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) and Pirhl are co-developers behind the construction and renovation efforts, while RATIO is the architect.

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Community Development Commission Approves Land Sale For Residential Development In Bronzeville

The Chicago Community Development Commission has approved the land sale for a new residential development at 539 and 541 E 46th Street in Bronzeville. Located just west of the intersection of 46th Street and S St. Lawrence Avenue, the homes will be replacing an empty lot near Armstrong Park. Local developer R&D Builders LLC will also serve as the architect for the buildings as they work on building up the area.

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