Building Type

4437 W Armitage Avenue

Permits Issued for 4437 W Armitage Avenue in Hermosa

Permits have been issued for a single-story commercial building located at 4437 W Armitage Avenue in Hermosa. Tom Sdralis is the listed owner, whose is planning both a tavern and liquor store within the same structure. Located at the corner of Armitage & Kenneth, the new development will replace an auto repair shop and an adjacent empty lot. An ordinance was passed by the Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards in September 2020 allowing for work to proceed under the C1-1 Neighborhood Commercial District designation.

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The Reed (234 W Polk Street)

Prep Work Progresses for The Reed Tower at Southbank in South Loop

Photos show fencing and equipment in preparation for a new residential tower at 234 W Polk Street in South Loop. Known as The Reed, the tower will mark the next stage of a larger megadevelopment called Southbank. While the current prep work for The Reed is taking place further north from where its actual footprint will be, the work is still a critical first step for the development’s construction. Permits posted on-site show that Lendlease is sealing off old freight tunnels that run underneath the Southbank property, thereby allowing for foundation work to proceed on the tower site.

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