Building Type

the Winnie (4750 N Winthrop Avenue)

Exterior Work Wraps up for 4750 N Winthrop Avenue in Uptown

Exterior work is nearing completion for a four-story apartment building known as “the Winnie,” located at 4750 N Winthrop Avenue in Uptown. Cedar St. Companies is behind the project, which will include 84 total units, 57 of which will be studios. While not indicated in the permits, the developer’s website mentions that there will also be 9,470 square feet of commercial space at ground level.

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3235 N Lakewood Avenue

Permits Issued for 3235 N Lakewood Avenue in Lake View

Permits have been issued for a three-story residential building located at 3235 N Lakewood Avenue in Lake View. The development is filed under O’Neill Development Group, and is set to house four total units, along with four rear decks, a private roof deck, two penthouse enclosures, and a detached frame garage for five cars. The new structure will replace a previously occupying two-story masonry building.

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