Building Type

1825 N Halsted Street

Permits Issued for 1825 N Halsted Street in Lincoln Park

Permits have been issued for a four-story residential building located at 1825 N Halsted Street located in Lincoln Park. Owned by APA 2020 Inc, the building will contain three total units, and come with a basement with a three-car garage, a rooftop deck, a rooftop stair enclosure, an elevator, a front balcony, and a rear porch spanning all floors. The new project will replace an existing three-story masonry residence with a basement.

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167 N Green Street

Final Touches Remain at 167 N Green Street Tower in Fulton Market

Final exterior touches are wrapping up at 167 N Green Street, a 17-story mixed-use development located in West Loop‘s Fulton Market neighborhood. Co-developed by Focus and Shapack Partners, the 290-foot structure will house a mix of office space, tenant amenities, and a retail portion in its base. This retail portion is one of the most notable features within the building, whose 30,000 square feet of mercantile space lining a ground-level corridor known as “The Mews”. This corridor also contains access to the office lobby and open space for temporary “pop-up” retail.

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963 W Montana Street

Permits Issued for 963 W Montana Street in Lincoln Park

Construction permits have been issued for a four-story residential building at 963 W Montana Street in Lincoln Park. Filed under 961 W Montana LLC, the development will house eight units with two residences on each floor. Parking will include just two on-site spaces and storage for eight bikes. An approved ordinance in September 2019 reclassified the property from an RM-5 Multi-Unit designation to a B2-3 Mixed-Use district designation, which allows for either retail or apartments at ground level.

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