Building Type

Additional Funding Announced For Rooted And Rising In Back of the Yards

Partial funding has been announced for the mixed-use development at 4630 S Ashland Avenue in Back of the Yards. Located on the intersection with W 47th Street and S McDowell Avenue, the project will replace a group of multi-story structures behind a single facade. Dubbed ‘Rooted and Rising’, the proposal is being led by the Back of the Yards Neighborhood Council and Park Row Development.

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Funding Confirmed For Multi-Generational Development At 5300 S Calumet Avenue In Washington Park

Partial funding has been announced for the affordable residential development at 5300 S Calumet Avenue in Washington Park. Located on the southwest corner of the intersection with E 53rd Street, the proposal will replace a long-time vacant lot. The efforts are being led by developers The Renaissance Collaborative (TRC) and Housing Opportunities & Maintenance for the Elderly (HOME).

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