Building Type

City Club Apartments MDA Phase II

Construction Complete at City Club Apartments in The Loop

Construction has concluded for City Club Apartments MDA Phase II, a seven-story mixed-use building at 60 E Benton Place in The Loop. The project serves as an addition to City Club Apartments‘ existing 24-story tower, spearheaded by the rental chain’s CEO Jonathan Holtzman. At just under 100 feet to its pinnacle, the connected structure will house a mix of ground-floor retail and 81 apartments.

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2653 N Orchard Street

Demolition Permits Issued for 2653 N Orchard Street in Lincoln Park

Demolition permits have been issued for a two-story frame residence located at 2653 N Orchard Street in Lincoln Park. Martin Sean Roman is the listed owner behind the multi-unit structure and detached frame garage. While the plans for the site are not currently known, it does fall under the RT-4 zoning district, which allows for two-flats, townhouses, low-density apartment buildings, and single family homes. RT-4 also permits a floor area ratio of 1.2, whereby any new development may have up to 1.2 times the floor area of the containing parcel. It is unclear if the owner will seek a zoning amendment for the property to allow for higher density.

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