Building Type

Single Family Homes Announced For Wicker Park

Plans have been revealed for a new residential development at 1230 N Paulina Street in Wicker Park. Located just north of the intersection with W Division Street and bound by N Hermitage Avenue to the west, the proposal will replace a large tree-covered lot currently occupied by a single house. The new development will be called Illumina.

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4454 North Western Avenue construction

Permit In Hand, Construction Begins At 4454 North Western Avenue

Foundation work has begun for a new residential development at 4454 North Western Avenue in the Lincoln Square neighborhood. Located on the southwest corner of Western and Sunnyside Avenues, it replaces a single-story building that was demolished this spring. The permit allowing construction to begin, issued by the City of Chicago on November 29, uses 2405 West Sunnyside Avenue as the building’s address.

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Updated Plans Revealed For Redevelopment Of Former DePaul College Prep Site In Irving Park

Updated plans have been revealed for the redevelopment of the former site of DePaul College Prep at 3601 N California Avenue in Irving Park. Located on the corner with W Addison Street along the Chicago River, plans for the redevelopment have now shifted since we first covered them in 2021. This is greatly due to neighborhood complaints on density and traffic.

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