Exterior Work Nearing Completion at Fulton Market’s 320 N Sangamon Street
Exterior work is nearing completion for 320 N Sangamon Street, a 13-story mixed-use building that has risen in West Loop‘s Fulton Market.
Exterior work is nearing completion for 320 N Sangamon Street, a 13-story mixed-use building that has risen in West Loop‘s Fulton Market.
Demolition permits have been issued for a three-story masonry building at 16 W Erie Street, located in Near North Side. The multi-unit residential structure is currently owned by KKDD LLC, who has not yet revealed plans for its replacement.
Work is moving closer to topping out for Lake View‘s 3839 N Clark Street, where Clark Apartments LLC has planned a five-story residential building. According to permits issued this past January, the development will also include garage space on the ground floor, as well as a fitness center on the top floor.
Demolition permits have been issued for a two-story residential building and a detached frame garage at 2121 W Barry Avenue in West Lakeview. The lot is owned by Real View Design & Development.
Work is rapidly gearing towards completion at West Loop‘s 1125 W Van Buren Street, where developer Tandem Partners has planned a 20-story mixed-use structure.