Articles by Ian Achong

Renovation Revealed For Cornell Square Park Field House In Back Of The Yards

Plans have been revealed for a major remodel of the Cornell Square Park field house at 1809 W 50th Street in Back Of The Yards. Located on the southwest intersection with S Wood Street, the field house serves the small park. The work is being led by the Chicago Park District with the help of the local alderman who are working with an undisclosed architect while funding has been secured for the work.

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Details Revealed For Obama Presidential Center Programs & Athletics Center In Jackson Park

Updated details have been revealed for the new Obama Presidential Center Programs & Athletics Center near 6001 S Stony Island Avenue within Jackson Park. Located on the southern edge of the center’s site, the expanded building will sit just north of the intersection with E Hayes Road. Efforts for the new facility are being led by the Obama Foundation and the center itself.

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