Wicker Park

Residential Development At 1235 North Ashland Progressing With Its Neighbor To The North

The residential development at 1235 North Ashland Avenue in Wicker Park has taken similar strides in progress as its neighbor at 1257 North Ashland just up the street. We took a look at an update Thursday on 1257; 1235 is also at grade level, and will rise the same five stories. They are both being led by Noah Properties, with Buildmax as general contractor. They got a new permit from the city to build 1235 North Ashland on February 6, showing a reported construction cost of $4 million.

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1445 North Ashland Avenue demolition

Demolition Begins At 1445 North Ashland Avenue In Wicker Park

Demolition has begun on what was little more than an eyesore of a building at 1445 North Ashland Avenue in the Wicker Park/Noble Square area. What looks like a two-story structure that was never finished, or perhaps a renovation that was never completed, has finally met the proverbial wrecking ball, giving way to a new residential development on the site. A demolition permit was issued on November 20 of last year, and thanks to a Twitter user, we know that demo work got started this week.

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1235 North Ashland demolitions

Building Permits Issued For 1235 And 1257 North Ashland Avenue In Wicker Park

Residential developments at 1235 North Ashland and 1257 North Ashland in Wicker Park both received their building permits from the City of Chicago late this week. Permission to build at 1235 came through on Thursday, February 6, and 1257 got the go-ahead on Friday, February 7. Both permits allow Noah Properties to get started on their building projects as demolitions near completion. Applications are dated October 14, 2024 for both.

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