
Additional Funding And Timeline Announced For 547 W Oak Street In Near North Side

Additional financing has been approved for the residential development at 547 W Oak Street in the Near North Side. Located on the intersection with N Larrabee Street, the proposal is the first phase of redeveloping a long-term vacant lot owned by the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA). The project is being led by developer BDM-I LLC made up of Brinshore & The Michaels Development Corporation.

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Evergreen Garden construction begins

Building Permit Approved For Evergreen Garden In Chinatown

Building permits have been issued for the residential development at 2128 S Tan Court in Chinatown. Dubbed ‘Evergreen Garden’, the project will replace the long-term vacant lot bound by the CTA Orange Line tracks on its northern end. The permit will allow for the construction of the first phase of the two-phase development, with initial piling permits having been granted earlier this year.

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Old Town Canvas Faces Opposition In Latest Community Meeting

A community meeting has been held for the revised plans of ‘Old Town Canvas’ at 1610 N LaSalle Drive in Old Town. The upcoming skyscraper has been the center of controversy lately with surrounding neighbors even forming a lobbying community group against the project. The efforts for the structure are being led by local developer Fern Hill who recently proposed another project in Motor Row.

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