Articles by Daniel Schell

6543 South Langley Avenue construction permit

New Construction Permit Issued For Two-Flat At 6543 South Langley In Woodlawn

A two-story, two-unit building has been permitted at 6543 South Langley Avenue in Woodlawn. Issued on January 10, the permit identifies Eckco Development Group of Hinsdale as the developer and general contractor, while naming Hanna Architects as architect of record. Plans include a detached garage with two parking spaces at the rear of the property, accessed from the alley.

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4130-4134 South Calumet Avenue construction permits

Three Permits Issued For Three-Flats At 4130-4134 South Calumet Avenue In Bronzeville

Yesterday, we were introduced to a pair of three-story, three-unit buildings coming to the 4200 block of South Calumet Avenue in Bronzeville. On Wednesday, January 15, three more permits were issued for the same development team of APMW Development Corporation and architect of record Charles Schwartz to build nine more units in the 4100 block of South Calumet.

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