
3631 North Sheffield demolition

Demolition Nearing Completion For 3631 North Sheffield, With Neighbors Soon To Follow

The first of three adjacent buildings to be razed for a new residential development just beyond the right field wall at Wrigley Field is nearing completion. The building at 3631 North Sheffield Avenue in Wrigleyville has been reduced to a tiny portion of the north façade and the front stairs to the entryway. To its left and right, two more buildings will soon meet the same fate, as all three come down for a residential development on the site.

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3739 North Clifton Avenue demolition

With Permit Corrected, 3739 North Clifton Avenue Demolished As Planned

The demolition permit issued by the City of Chicago for the residential building at 3729 North Clifton Avenue in Wrigleyville has been ignored. In a way. What we thought might have been a typo somewhere along the chain of command does indeed appear to have been a simple slip of a digit, and the home that was supposed to be taken down, at 3939 North Clifton, has now been demolished.

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3631 North SHeffield Avenue demolition permit

First Demolition Permit Issued For Three Sheffield Avenue Buildings Next To Wrigley Field

A demolition permit has been issued for the turn-of-the-century residential building at 3631 North Sheffield Avenue in Wrigleyville. It’s the first of three adjacent buildings to be razed for a new residential development just beyond the right field ivy at Wrigley Field, with 3627 to its south and 3633 North Sheffield to its north surely soon to follow.

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3739 North Clifton Avenue demolition permit

With Demo Fencing Surrounding Wrigleyville Property, Demolition Permit Issued…For The Wrong Address?

Could be just a quirky coincidence, but a demolition permit was issued by the City of Chicago on February 13 for the residential property at 3729 North Clifton Avenue in Wrigleyville. The owner is listed in the permit as 3739 N Clifton LLC, which is an entity for United Chicago Builders. Those house numbers, of course, are not for the same house.

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1124 West Addison Street construction permit

Permission Granted For Two-Flat At 1124 West Addison Street In Wrigleyville

A permit has been issued by the City of Chicago to replace a single-family home at 1124 West Addison Street with a two-unit residential building. The permit application was filed on November 12 of last year, and was issued February 5. It names G Alan Development Group as the developer and general contractor, and estimates construction costs at an even $1 million. 

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