
2820 N Rockwell Street

Demolition Permits Issued for 2820 N Rockwell Street in Avondale

Demolition permits were issued this past week for three-story masonry residence and a detached frame garage, located at 2820 N Rockwell Street in the Avondale neighborhood. The owner is listed under 2820 N Rockwell LLC, whose plans have not been revealed. The property’s zoning designation of RT-4 permits two-flats, townhomes, low-density apartment buildings, and single-family homes. RT-4 also permits a floor area ratio of 1.2, in which any new construction may have up to 1.2 times the square footage of the containing lot. It is not clear whether the owner will seek a zoning change.

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3243 N Lakewood Avenue

Demolition Permits Issued for 3243 N Lakewood Avenue in Lake View

Demolition permits have been issued for a three-story frame residence located at 3243 N Lakewood Avenue near the center of Lake View. The owner has been filed under 3243 N Lakewood LLC. Plans for the replacement have not been announced, although the property is currently zoned for RT-3.5 Residential Two-Flat, Townhouse, and Multi-Unit District. This designation allows for two-flats, townhouses, low-density apartment buildings, and single family homes. RT-3.5 also permits a floor area ratio of 1.05, whereby any new building may have five percent more square footage than the area of the lot itself.

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3654-56 W Belmont Avenue

Demolition Permits Issued for 3654-56 W Belmont Avenue in Avondale

Demolition permits have been issued for a two-story masonry building at 3654-56 W Belmont Avenue in Avondale. Wilmot Construction Inc. is the owner, whose plans involve a four-story mixed-use building with 2,100 square feet of ground-level retail and nine dwellings on the three upper floors. Residences will range from two- to three-bedrooms units, each of which will come with a balcony. Plans also include a rooftop deck and nine parking spaces integrated on the ground floor.

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