
2456 W Ainslie Street (left of center) and 2454 W Ainslie Street (right of center)

Demolition Permits Issued for 2454-56 W Ainslie Street in Lincoln Square

Dual demolition permits have been issued for two adjacent multi-unit buildings located at 2454-56 W Ainslie Street in Lincoln Square. Both permits list Eamon Gibbons as the owner, whose plans for the properties have not yet been published. However, both parcels are zoned for RS-3 Residential Single-Unit District, which allows for detached single family homes and two-flats. This designation also allows for a floor area ratio of 0.9, by which any new building’s square footage may not exceed 90 percent that of the lot itself.

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1701 E 75th Street

Demolition Permits Issued for 1701 E 75th Street in South Shore

Demolition permits have been issued for a single-story masonry commercial building located at 1701 E 75th Street in South Shore. Owned by M&M Realty, the former car wash has been unoccupied since 2016. It is unclear what the agency plans to have replace the structure, though the lot is zoned for C1-2 Neighborhood Commercial District, which allows for a wide array of retail types, with apartments permitted above. The designation also allows for a floor area ratio of 2.2, whereby any new construction may have the square footage of up to 2.2 times of the lot itself.

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