
462 N Morgan Street

Demolition Permits Issued for 462 N Morgan Street in West Town

Demolition permits were recently issued for a three-story masonry building at 462 N Morgan Street in West Town. Filed under the owner Baby Grand LLC, no plans have been published as to what will replace the multi-unit residential structure. However, the parcel is currently zoned for M2-2 Light Industry District, which allows for moderate manufacturing, warehouses, as well as freight and recycling facilities. M2-2 also permits a floor area ratio of 2.2, so that any new development may have up to 2.2 times the square footage as the containing lot. Currently it is unclear if the owner plans to apply for an amendment to change the designation.

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1936 W Crystal Street

Demolition Permits Issued for 1936 W Crystal Street in Wicker Park

Demolition permits have been issued for a three-story masonry building at 1936 W Crystal Street in Wicker Park. Luke Bakalar is the listed owner of the multi-unit structure, whose replacement plans have not yet been revealed. The lot’s current zoning designation is RT-4, which allows for two-flats, townhouses, low-density apartment buildings, and single family homes. RT-4 also permits a floor area ratio of 1.2, whereby any new building may have a square footage up to 1.2 times that of the containing property.

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2228 W Belmont Avenue

Demolition Permits Issued for 2228 W Belmont Avenue in Roscoe Village

Demolition permits have been issued for a single-story masonry building located at 2228 W Belmont Avenue in Roscoe Village. With SRD Development LLC as the filing owner, future plans will include a four-story residence with three units, a rooftop deck and enclosure, a rear four-story metal porch, and a three-car garage with a separate rooftop deck. No designs of this new building have yet been revealed, and it is unclear who the architect of record will be.

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917 & 919 S Aberdeen

Demolition Permits Issued for 917-919 S Aberdeen Street in Little Italy

Multiple demolition permits have been issued for two adjacent properties at 917 and 919 S Aberdeen Street in Little Italy. MBZ Properties LLC is the listed owner, with previously issued permits indicating a three-story building with two apartment units and a basement on each lot. Parking for 919 S Aberdeen Street will include a concrete pad with two spaces, while the filing description for 917 S Aberdeen Street did not mention any on-site parking.

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8516 S Commercial Avenue

Permits Issued for 8516 S Commercial Avenue in South Chicago

Demolition permits have been issued for a single-story masonry building at 8516 S Commercial Avenue in South Chicago. Forte Holdings LLC is the owner of the building, whose plans for the former car dealership have not yet been revealed. The lot is zoned for C2-2 Motor Vehicle Related Commercial District, which permits a wider range of business types than B1-designated districts, well as apartments above the ground floor. C2-2 also allows for a floor area ratio of 2.2, by which any new building may have up to 2.2 times more square footage than the containing lot.

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