
4447 N Hazel Street. Rendering by SPACE Architects + Planners

Demo Permits Issued for 4447 N Hazel Street in Uptown

Demolition permits have now been issued for a three-story masonry church at 4447 N Hazel Street in Uptown, clearing the way for a five-story residential development. Longford Construction, the developer of the project, has planned 32 total residences, ranging from studios up to two-bedroom units. Of the units, three will be affordable under the Affordable Requirement Ordinance. The development will also include 16 parking spaces in an integrated garage, as well as 32 bike spaces.

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1020 W Randolph Street. Rendering by Hartshorne Plunkard Architecture

Demolition Complete for West Loop’s 1020 W Randolph Street

Demolition has wrapped up for a former single-story bank, clearing the way for a new five-story mixed-use building at Fulton Market‘s 1020 W Randolph Street. L3 Capital is the developer of the West Loop project, whose new edifice will house ground-level retail space and 22,000 square feet of offices on the upper four floors. Programming will also offer tenants a sixth-floor amenity penthouse and a nearly 2,000-square-foot terrace with skyline views.

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