Site Design Group

New Round Of Winners Announced For The Invest South/West Initiative

Three new winners of the city’s Invest South/West initiative have been announced by the mayor in Humboldt Park and South Shore. The three winners are located at 3601 W Chicago Avenue and 4000 W North Avenue in 2908 E 79th Street in South Shore. All together the three proposals represent a $126 million investment in the neighborhoods aimed at increasing the quality of life, adding equitable affordable housing while joining a list of seven past winners of the two-year-old program that are set to break ground soon.

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Developer Reveals Plans For Affordable Housing Development At 1805 N Hamlin Avenue In Logan Square

New plans for a fully affordable residential development at 1805 N Hamlin Avenue in Logan Square have been presented to the Committee on Design. Being developed by the Latin United Community Housing Association (LUCHA) and partially designed by Canopy Architecture with the Site Design Group, the new complex replaces an industrial lot being remediated by the city. The site, bought by the city in 2019 and donated to the developer, is bound by N Hamlin Avenue to the west, W Cortland Street to the north, and N Ridgeway Avenue to the east.

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Mural Park

Phase Two for Mural Park Adaptive Reuse Project Completes in Pilsen

Final touches are drawing closer toward completion for the second phase of an adaptive reuse project known as Mural Park. The developers Condor Partners, Transwestern, and Chicago Development Partners are converting two four-story masonry warehouses to commercial and office space, while adding a new park space in between. The second phase of this project is the southern of the two buildings, located at 920 W Cullerton Street. Last year, it was announced that the parent company of Blue Cross Blue Shield would lease the entirety of this second building.

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Obama Presidential Center. Rendering by Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects

Photos Show Site Prep for Obama Presidential Center in Hyde Park

Site prep can be seen progressing for the Obama Presidential Center, a three-building masterplan by The Obama Foundation now underway in Hyde Park. The project will occupy a portion of Jackson Park’s western edge, and will be oriented around a central plaza space that will accommodate planned events and public artwork. Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects and Interactive Design Architects will serve are the architects involved in the building design, while Michael van Valkenburgh Associates, Site Design Group, and Living Habitats have overseen the landscape architecture.

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