
2130 S Central Park Avenue

Demolition Permits issued for 2130 S Central Park Avenue in North Lawndale

Demolition permits have been issued for a three-story masonry building at 2130 S Central Park Avenue, located near the southern edge of North Lawndale. It is unclear what the owner, EAM Properties LLC, is planning to have replace the former convent building. However, the property is zoned for RT-4, which allows for two-flats, townhouses, low-density apartment buildings, and single family homes. RT-4 also permits a floor area ratio of up to 1.2, whereby any new development may have up to 1.2 times the square footage of the lot itself.

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20 S Hamlin Boulevard

Renovation Permits Issued for 20 S Hamlin Boulevard in West Garfield Park

Renovation permits have been issued for an existing four-story residential building located at 20 S Hamlin Boulevard in West Garfield Park. KEMT LLC is the listed owner of the currently unoccupied building. Plans include increasing the unit count from seven to eight, updated interior finishes, minor exterior site work, structural repairs and reinforcements, and new mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems.

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