
8204 W Belmont Avenue

Permits Issued for 8204 W Belmont Avenue in Dunning

Construction permits have been issued for a two-story office building located at 8204 W Belmont Avenue in Dunning. Owned by 8200 Belmont LLC, the development will include office space on both floors, as well as five outdoor parking spaces. The new construction is set to occupy a currently vacant plot of land. Given that this plot is divided into two separate parcels, it is unclear if the building will replace the full plot or just a portion.

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609 W Randolph Street. Rendering by Antunovich Associates

Work Reaches Fifth Floor of 609 W Randolph Street in West Loop Gate

Steel construction has reached the fifth level for 609 W Randolph Street, a 15-story mixed-use building rising in West Loop Gate. Vista Property Group is the developer for the more than 100,000-square-foot project, which will house 1,770 square feet of retail on the first story and office space on the upper floors. The new structure will replace a former parking lot while integrating with a neighboring four-story masonry building that was built in the 1890s.

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Aon Center Plaza renovation

Aon Center Plaza Renovation Progresses in New Eastside

Demolition is wrapping up for the Aon Center Plaza renovation at 200 E Randolph Street in the northeast corner of The Loop. Located just south of the iconic 83-story Aon Center Tower, the $6.5 million improvements to the half-acre space will include a mix of soft seating, gardens, fire pits, an outdoor par, open grass space, and accessible ramps. Planned by Aon Center owner 601W Companies, the new space will lie directly across Randolph Street, and serve as a public extension to the Millennium Park area.

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