
Potential Demolition Announced For Historical Edgewater Church

The sale and potential demolition has been announced of the Epworth United Methodist Church at 5253 N Kenmore Avenue in Edgewater. Located just south of the intersection with W Berwyn Avenue, a little east of Foster Beach and the lakefront, the church has stood in this spot since its completion in 1891. News on its sale recently broke to the congregation who hosted their last service within its walls this past Sunday, after a last-minute estate-sale in order to part ways with surplus items. The church is the latest in a long string of historical structures in danger of demolition for new developments.

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Initial Funds Approval Granted For New TimeLine Theater In Uptown

Initial Tax Increment Financing (TIF) approval has been granted for the new location of the TimeLine Theater Company at 5033 N Broadway in Uptown. Located just north of the intersection with W Argyle Street, near the CTA Red Line Argyle station which is undergoing renovation, the new arts center will utilize the bones of an existing five-story building while erecting a new facade. The theater itself is developing its new home which received City Council approval late last year and has been owned by the company since 2018, TimeLine is working with local architecture firm HGA on the design that borrows elements from the current structure.

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Funding Approved For Performance Arts Center At 4343 S Cottage Grove Avenue In Bronzeville

Funding has been approved for the construction of a new performing arts center at 4343 S Cottage Grove Avenue in Bronzeville. Located just north of the intersection with E 44th Street, the center will utilize an existing two-story masonry clad building on the Bronzeville Cultural Corridor. The project was conceptualized by local actor Harry Lennix who is working with developer Keith Giles, investor Mike Wordlaw, and local firm Nia Architects on the design of what Lennix envisions to become the “Black Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts.”

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Updated Details Revealed For Mixed-Use Development At 4000 W North Avenue In Humboldt Park

Updated details have been revealed for the mixed-use development at 4000 W North Avenue in Humboldt Park. Dubbed Team Pioneros, the Invest South/West-winning project was presented to the Committee on Design this past week as it begins its journey towards groundbreaking. Park Row Development is working with a 100 percent Latinx-owned team led by local architecture firm JGMA who will not only be working on the design, but will be moving into the restored Pioneer Bank upon completion.

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