Community Facility

Groundbreaking Held For Emmett Till House Museum And Creation Of National Monument

A groundbreaking for the Emmett Till House Museum was held this week along with the establishment of a national monument in his honor across the South Side. The museum will be located at 6247 S St. Lawrence Avenue in West Woodlawn, while the multi-state monument will include the Roberts Temple Church Of God in Christ at 4021 S State Street in Bronzeville. Both projects are expected to educate a wider audience of Till’s story and promote development of the surrounding areas.

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City Council Approves Final Landmark Designation For Epworth Church

The Chicago City Council has approved the final landmark designation for the Epworth Church at 5153 N Kenmore Avenue in Edgewater. Located south of the intersection with W Berwyn Avenue near Foster Beach, demolition efforts last year by a developer trying to construct residential on the site set-off the landmark process. Now the City Council has officially protected the structure which does not close it off to redevelopment opportunities.

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Funding Announced For Dance Center In Washington Park

Additional funding has been announced for a new dance and community center at 5339 S State Street in Washington Park. Located just north of the intersection with E 54th Street and sandwiched between the namesake park and highway, the new facility will replace a long standing set of vacant lots owned by the city. The team behind the proposal is the Deeply Rooted Dance Company who currently operates downtown; no architect has been announced.

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Initial Funding Announced For Potential Arts Center In Wicker Park

Initial funding has been announced for the potential redevelopment of the building at 1550 N Milwaukee Avenue in Wicker Park. Located just south of the six-corner intersection with N Damen Avenue and W North Avenue, the combined two-building site is currently home to the Lubinski Furniture store who also owns it. The redevelopment plans are being led by nonprofit arts group Equity Arts which seeks to create a permanent home for the local art scene that placed the neighborhood on the map.

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Land Sale Approved For Wellness Center In West Garfield Park

The Chicago Community Development Commission has approved the land-sale for The Sankofa Village Wellness Center at 4301-4329 W Madison Street in West Garfield Park. Located on the southwestern corner with S Kildare Avenue a few blocks west of Garfield Park itself, the proposal will replace a vacant lot and a handful of existing buildings as well. Developer The Community Builders Inc. proposed the greater Sankofa Wellness Village project last year designed by local-firm Moody Nolan.

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