
City Council Approves Land Purchase For Affordable Housing In Pilsen

The Chicago City Council has approved the acquisition of various vacant city lots in Pilsen for the creation of affordable housing. The lots are located at the intersection of S Peoria Street and W 18th Street and represent the largest developable property in the neighborhood and future construction would continue the vibrant street wall along 18th Street. The $12 million purchase of the 6.3 acres by the city brings the tally of money spent towards affordable housing up to $1 billion, a major investment in many changing communities.

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Mural Park

Phase Two for Mural Park Adaptive Reuse Project Completes in Pilsen

Final touches are drawing closer toward completion for the second phase of an adaptive reuse project known as Mural Park. The developers Condor Partners, Transwestern, and Chicago Development Partners are converting two four-story masonry warehouses to commercial and office space, while adding a new park space in between. The second phase of this project is the southern of the two buildings, located at 920 W Cullerton Street. Last year, it was announced that the parent company of Blue Cross Blue Shield would lease the entirety of this second building.

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