Valerio Dewalt Train

Proposals Revealed For West Garfield Park RFQ

Two proposals have been revealed by the Department of Planning and Development for their West Garfield Park RFQ at 3811 W Madison Street. Located on the corner with S Hamlin Boulevard and directly across the street from Garfield Park itself, the project will replace a vacant grocery store and its parking lot that were recently acquired by the city. The DPD issued the Request For Qualifications in December 2022 and has now received the two following proposals for the 1.8-acre site:

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Further Renderings And Details Revealed For Shedd Aquarium Renovations

Updated renderings and timelines have been revealed for the renovation and expansion of the Shedd Aquarium at 1200 S DuSable Lake Shore Drive in Museum Campus. Originally announced in the beginning of 2022 as part of the larger Centennial Commitment Program running through 2030, the updated timelines were released as work is set to begin soon. The aquarium itself is leading the efforts with the local office of Valerio Dewalt Train working on the design.

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