Cedar St Companies

The Rosie

The Rosie Wraps Up Construction at 1461 S Blue Island Avenue in Little Italy

Construction has completed for the Rosie, a mixed-use development at 1461 S Blue Island Avenue in Little Italy. The project has been planned by FLATS LLC, a subsidiary of Cedar Street Companies, in partnership with Origin Investments. Previously a vacant lot, the site lies within a federal opportunity zone that grants developers tax incentives for developing in economically distressed areas.

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5440 N Sheridan Road

5440 N Sheridan Rises Above Grade in Edgewater

Exterior walls are now above grade for a five-story residential building at 5440 N Sheridan Road in the Edgewater neighborhood. Cedar St. Companies is the developer behind the new construction, with plans for 78 apartments. Unit layouts will comprise of 72 traditional studios and one- and two-bedroom apartment layouts, several of which will have attached terraces. The remaining six residences will be integrated two-story townhouses with three bedrooms each and street-level access.

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the Winnie (4750 N Winthrop Avenue)

Exterior Work Wraps up for 4750 N Winthrop Avenue in Uptown

Exterior work is nearing completion for a four-story apartment building known as “the Winnie,” located at 4750 N Winthrop Avenue in Uptown. Cedar St. Companies is behind the project, which will include 84 total units, 57 of which will be studios. While not indicated in the permits, the developer’s website mentions that there will also be 9,470 square feet of commercial space at ground level.

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