Near South Side

Surge eSports Stadium at 2500 S Wabash Avenue. Rendering by KOO Architecture

Plan Commission Approves eSports Stadium at 2500 S Wabash Avenue in Near South Side

The Chicago Plan Commission has approved an esports stadium located at 2500 S Wabash Avenue in the Near South Side. Located along S Wabash Avenue, the project will utilize two different sites. The main property, located at 2500 S Wabash Avenue, is bound by E 25th Street to the north, S Wabash Avenue to the east, a four-story residential building to the south, and a public alley and CTA L tracks to the west. The lot currency holds a two-story brick building and surface parking lot for trailers. The secondary lot, located at 2617 S Wabash Avenue, is occupied by an existing surface parking lot and one-story masonry building located at the intersection of S Wabash Avenue and E 26th Street.

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