OKW Architects

1371 W Randolph Street

Zoning Approved for Mixed-Use Structure at 1340 W Washington Boulevard in West Loop

Zoning has been approved for a mixed-use structure at 1340 W Washington Boulevard in West Loop. Located on the site of the Chicago Journeyman Plumber Local 130 UA campus, the structure will actually be located along W Randolph street, within the 4.1-acre larger campus addressed as 1340 W Washington Boulevard. The larger campus is bound by W Randolph Street, W Washington Boulevard, N Ada Street, N Ogden Avenue, and the recently-completed Plumbers Training Facility to the west. The development is being led by the Chicago Journeyman Plumber Local 130 UA and Chicago Title and Trust Company.

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1371 W Randolph Street

Plan Commission Approves Mixed-Use Structure at 1340 W Washington Boulevard in West Loop

The Chicago Plan Commission has approved a mixed-use structure at 1340 W Washington Boulevard in West Loop. Located on the site of the Chicago Journeyman Plumber Local 130 UA campus, the structure will actually be located along W Randolph street, within the 4.1-acre larger campus addressed as 1340 W Washington Boulevard. The larger campus is bound by W Randolph Street, W Washington Boulevard, N Ada Street, N Ogden Avenue, and the recently-completed Plumbers Training Facility to the west. The development is being led by the Chicago Journeyman Plumber Local 130 UA and Chicago Title and Trust Company.

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932 W Randolph Street

Renovation Work Begins at 932 W Randolph Street in West Loop

Initial work has commenced for West Loop‘s 932 W Randolph Street, where L3 Capital is planning the renovation of an existing three-story masonry building, as well as a new three-story addition. YIMBY previously reported a zoning approval for the proposal, which included changing the property’s designation from C1-2 to DX-5. Programming will include retail space at ground level, with office space on the two floors above. The Commission on Chicago Landmarks also deemed that the project and its design would not have an adverse affect on the area’s historical context.

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