East Garfield Park

2943 W Fifth Avenue

Permit Issued for Urban Farming Project at 2943 W Fifth Avenue in East Garfield park

A new urban farm development construction permit has been issued at 2943 W Fifth Avenue in Garfield Park.
The project will feature a propagation hoop shed, an outdoor plant area, and bee hives, converting the vacant lot into an urban farm space. Tracy Boychuk is the listed owner of the project, while Branyo Dvorak of Perimeter Architects is the architect of record.

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Potential Land Transfer Approved For Two Gardens In South And West Sides

The Community Development Commission has approved the potential land transfer for two gardens on the South and West Sides. Located at 3024 W 5th Avenue in East Garfield Park and 3302 E 92nd Street in South Chicago, both community gardens will replace vacant lots with much needed recreation space for locals. Although unlikely, the approval grants a small grace period in which other proposals for the lots will be considered prior to transferring the sites to land trust NeighborSpace.

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Final Proposals Revealed For DPD East Garfield Park RFQ

The Chicago Department of Planning and Development (DPD) has announced their three finalists for the East Garfield Park RFQ. Although the Request For Qualifications (RFQ) is made up of three sites, this first phase will focus on one site across the street from The Hatchery located at 3209 W Lake Street. Right on the intersection with N Kedzie Avenue, all proposals will defer the two remaining sites onto a future development phase.

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