ALL Masonry Construction

Humboldt Park Health Wellness Center

Window Installation Begins for Health and Wellness Center at 2933 W Division Street in Humboldt Park

In Humboldt Park, at 2933 W Division Street, progress continues on the construction of a new health and wellness center, as window installation has commenced. The architectural firm JGMA has partnered with Humboldt Park Health on this $24 million project. Standing three stories tall and reaching a height of 62 feet, the 45,500-square-foot building will showcase a curved design featuring a pearlescent green and blue facade, complemented by glass curtain wall cut-outs.

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Humboldt Park Health Wellness Center

Outer Walls Installed for New Health and Wellness Center in Humboldt Park

At 2933 W Division Street in Humboldt Park, the construction of a new health and wellness center continues to advance, with the building’s shell now in place. Valued at $24 million, the center covers an area of 45,500 square feet and reaches a height of 62 feet. This three-story building is a collaborative effort between Humboldt Park Health and the architectural firm JGMA. The curved design will be clad in an iridescent facade, composed of blue and green metal paneling and glass curtain wall cut-outs.

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Humboldt Park Health Wellness Center

Core Structure Reaches Full Height for 2933 W Division Street in Humboldt Park

Construction continues to climb for a new wellness facility located at 2933 W Division Street in Humboldt Park as the inner core structure has now reached its full height. This initiative commenced in January when the foundational permit was approved. Recent visuals depict brisk advancement in foundational stages. This glassy curved structure by JGMA will stand where a vacant plot and a duplex once were.

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3637 N Central Avenue

Permits Issued for 3637 N Central Avenue in Portage Park

Construction permits have been issued for a five-story mixed-use building planned for 3637 N Central Avenue in Portage Park. Filed under the owner Innovative Markets Inc, the project will include ground-floor retail and storage space on the four floors above. The new development will replace a currently vacant grass plot, and will ultimately stand just over 57 feet in height. According to planning documents, the developer was granted approval last summer to extend the storage space into a portion of the originally designated retail space.

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