Rooftop Enclosure Nears Completion at 61 W Erie Street in River North

61 W Erie Street61 W Erie Street. Rendering by Jonathan Splitt Architects

Final rooftop work is approaching the finish line for LG Development Group‘s 61 W Erie Street, a six-story mixed-use retail and condominium development near the northeast corner of River North.

61 W Erie Street

61 W Erie Street. Photo by Jack Crawford

61 W Erie Street

61 W Erie Street. Photo by Jack Crawford

61 W Erie Street

61 W Erie Street. Photo by Jack Crawford

61 W Erie Street (center)

61 W Erie Street (center). Photo by Jack Crawford

The project’s scope comprises of 28 condominium units, 21 of which will be larger live/work layouts, while the remaining seven will be studios. Residents will have access to a rooftop amenity deck and enclosure. Only two off-street parking spaces will be provided, located on the ground floor alongside the aforementioned commercial space.

61 W Erie Street

61 W Erie Street. Photo by Jack Crawford

61 W Erie Street

61 W Erie Street. Photo by Jack Crawford

61 W Erie Street

61 W Erie Street. Photo by Jack Crawford

61 W Erie Street

61 W Erie Street. Rendering by Jonathan Splitt Architects

61 W Erie Street rear side

61 W Erie Street rear side. Rendering by Jonathan Splitt Architects

Jonathan Splitt Architects has overseen the masonry design, with tan colored brick along the facade and dark metal trim window accents. The massing’s rear southwestern corner of the massing is cut along its corner to allow for improved vehicular access. The crowning rooftop deck will be clad in metal and glass paneling.

61 W Erie Street

61 W Erie Street. Photo by Jack Crawford

Condominium owners and tenants will have access to bus stops for Routes 22, 29, 36, 37, 65, 66, 125, and 156. CTA L service is also in the vicinity, with the Red Line at Grand station via a six-minute walk southeast. Anyone looking to board the Brown or Purple Lines will have access to Chicago station via an eight-minute walk northwest.

61 W Erie Street

61 W Erie Street. Photo by Jack Crawford

61 W Erie Street

61 W Erie Street. Photo by Jack Crawford

LG Construction has served as general contractor, with a full delivery expected for the fourth quarter of this year.

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5 Comments on "Rooftop Enclosure Nears Completion at 61 W Erie Street in River North"

  1. I like the tan brick seen in the concept art. This is another instance where they switched to an orange and the reality looks worse than the pictures

  2. Though I am sure the interior is probably pretty nice, I can’t imagine a more bland building in a highly visible area.

  3. First in well with Chicago’s tradition of vastly underutilizing land.

    • What a shame that the city allowed for such a mediocre building to be built in such a prime location. Chicago deserves better architecture!!

  4. They left out literally every single architectural detail. Every time I pass by I want to cry at the “half built” apartment somehow topping out.

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