A-Z Builders Inc

5847 W Corcoran Place via Google Maps

Permit Issued for 5847 W Corcoran Place in Austin

A construction permit has been issued for a new residential development located at 5847 W Corcoran Place in the Austin neighborhood. The  two-story building will feature a total of three apartment units with a basement level, front stairs and porch, a rear two-story deck, and stairs, as well as a side six-foot-tall wood fence, and a rear three-vehicle parking pad, as detailed in the plans. The project replaces what is currently a vacant lot. The listed owner of the project is A-Z Builders Inc., while the architect for the project is Andy Kacprzynski.

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New Permits Issued for 57 N Menard Avenue in Austin

A permit was issued for the new construction of a two-story residential building at 57 N Menard Avenue in the Austin neighborhood. The owner is listed as A-Z Builders Inc, and the current plans show this project will have three units. The developer is erecting a sister build of similar scope on the neighboring lot. The facade will feature a front metal staircase and the rear of the building will be outfitted with metal porches. The site will include three parking stalls. The property is currently vacant.

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New Permits Issued for 55 N Menard Avenue in Austin

A permit was issued recently for the new construction of a two-story residential building at 55 N Menard Avenue in the Austin neighborhood. The owner is listed as A-Z Builders Inc, and the current plans show this project will have three flats. The facade will feature a front metal staircase and the rear of the building will be outfitted with metal porches. The site will include three parking stalls. The property is currently vacant.

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184 N Lamon Avenue

New Permit Issued for 184 N Lamon Avenue in Austin

A permit was approved on Friday for a new two-story residential building to be located at 184 N Lamon Avenue in the Austin neighborhood. Adam Zegarski of A-Z Builders Inc is listed as the owner and published plans indicate that this project will yield three dwelling units, each outfitted with a rear metal porch. Plans also show the presence of three paved outdoor parking spots. The development will join a sister venture which we previously reported from the same owner. Both projects will be constructed on the same vacant lot.

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