Concrete continues to rise at 400 Lake Shore North Tower

400 Lake Shore rendering by SOM400 Lake Shore rendering by SOM

The concrete core of the 400 Lake Shore North Tower continues to rise, and all evidence of the cofferdam from the Chicago Spire  dream has disappeared, at Lake Shore Drive and the Ogden Slip in Streeterville. The team of LR Contracting and BOWA Construction, along with concrete contractor Goebel Forming, are making great progress on bringing Related Midwest’s 72-story residential skyscraper to life.

400 Lake Shore received its full building permit last month. YIMBY haven’t shared a progress update since then, so it’s time to catch up. All photos were taken September 10, 2024:

400 Lake Shore Sept 2024 construction update

Bird’s-eye view of 400 Lake Shore. Photo courtesy of Building Up Chicago

400 Lake Shore Sept 2024 construction update

Photo courtesy of Building Up Chicago

400 Lake Shore Sept 2024 construction update

Photo courtesy of Building Up Chicago

400 Lake Shore Sept 2024 construction update

Photo courtesy of Building Up Chicago

400 Lake Shore Sept 2024 construction update

The top of the core has risen just above lot level. Photo courtesy of Building Up Chicago

400 Lake Shore Sept 2024 construction update

Photo courtesy of Building Up Chicago

400 Lake Shore Sept 2024 construction update

Photo courtesy of Building Up Chicago

400 Lake Shore Sept 2024 construction update

Photo courtesy of Building Up Chicago

400 Lake Shore Sept 2024 construction update

Photo courtesy of Building Up Chicago

400 Lake Shore Sept 2024 construction update

Photo courtesy of Building Up Chicago

400 Lake Shore Sept 2024 construction update

Photo courtesy of Building Up Chicago

400 Lake Shore Sept 2024 construction update

Photo courtesy of Building Up Chicago

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10 Comments on "Concrete continues to rise at 400 Lake Shore North Tower"

  1. Great to see some downtown construction outside of Fulton Market!

  2. I have question about another building because I can’t find any current status so maybe you can help or run a story. — what is the current situation with the approved Tribune East building? Thank you in advance.

    • Haven’t heard any news about that one in quite some time.

    • its dead

    • It’s fizzling in the background.

      Financing is basically what’s holding it from taking the next step. (Like most stuff throughout Chicago)

      The article of this tower seemed like it’d never happen but SOM was waiting for the moment to strike when ready.

      It really comes down to when it’s convenient for the developer to take action and I predict a lot more will be coming soon with a change in rates. I think the first adjustment is just the start of more to come.

  3. What do we think the chances are that the second tower will get built?

  4. In my dreams we’re still pursuing a super tall skyscraper here, this is alright though as long as something big is getting built

    • the supertall spire from superstar calatrava
      looked like nothing else in the world
      wouldve been a major coup for chicago

      but i guess beggars cannot be choosey and we will take what is going up

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