City Council Approves 3955 N Kilpatrick Avenue In Old Irving Park

Site overview rendering of 3955 N Kilpatrick Avenue by Pappageorge Haymes

The Chicago City Council has approved the large-scale mixed-use development at 3955 N Kilpatrick Avenue in Old Irving Park. Sitting near the six-corner intersection with W Irving Park Road, the project will replace a large vacant plot which was previously a Peoples Gas facility. Now developer GW Properties can move forward with the multi-structure proposal.

Site context map of 3955 N Kilpatrick Avenue via Google Maps

Site overview rendering of 3955 N Kilpatrick Avenue by Pappageorge Haymes

After multiple years in development and various design iterations, GW received Plan Commission approval earlier this year for the Pappageorge Haymes-designed plan. The large site will be split into a commercial plaza with a surface parking lot, as well as into a large residential building with a parking garage within its first floor base.

Rendering of 3955 N Kilpatrick Avenue by Pappageorge Haymes

Site plan of 3955 N Kilpatrick Avenue by Pappageorge Haymes

Fronting Irving Park Road and part of N Kilpatrick Avenue will be four large retail buildings that will be able to house 12 to 14 businesses with small pedestrian plazas. Behind them will be the aforementioned 125-vehicle parking lot with added landscaping. These will be clad in a brown metal panel with white accents and black awnings.

Rendering of 3955 N Kilpatrick Avenue by Pappageorge Haymes

Plans of 3955 N Kilpatrick Avenue by Pappageorge Haymes

South of that will be the new W-shaped residential structure containing 346 residential units made up of studios, one-, and two-bedroom layouts. Some of these will be two-story duplexes with independent entrances that will line the majority of the podium. A lobby and various amenity spaces will line the rest of the ground floor.

Rendering of 3955 N Kilpatrick Avenue by Pappageorge Haymes

Rendering of 3955 N Kilpatrick Avenue by Pappageorge Haymes

At the center of them will be a 205-vehicle garage which will be topped by a massive outdoor deck with a pool, gardens, and other public spaces for tenants. As part of the city’s approval, the developer will now be building all 69 of the required affordable units on-site.

With this approval in-hand, the developer can now move forward with construction and hopes to do so next year. Once that commences, they expect the work to take around two years to complete.

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1 Comment on "City Council Approves 3955 N Kilpatrick Avenue In Old Irving Park"

  1. With the existing site being a People’s Gas facility, is there any subsurface ground remediation needed?

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