Bally’s Chicago Casino gets four demolition permits for Chicago Tribune Freedom Center

Chicago Tribune Freedom Center demolitionChicago Tribune Freedom Center along the Chicago River. Photo via Building Up Chicago

Four demolition permits were issued by the City of Chicago Monday for 651 West Chicago Avenue, or what used to be the Chicago Tribune Freedom Center. This is the second phase of demolitions making space for Bally’s Chicago Casino, after a single-story metal building at 700 West Erie was demolished earlier this month. Brandenburg Industrial Services is the demolition contractor for the casino project.

Bally's Chicago casino 700 West Erie demolition

Demolition of 700 West Erie. Photo via Building Up Chicago

The Chicago Tribune Freedom Center, designed by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, opened in 1981. It replaced the printing operations at Tribune Tower and quickly became the largest newspaper production facility in North America. For decades, the Freedom Center printed millions of copies of the Chicago Tribune and other newspapers on a daily basis. The facility was closed permanently after the final edition of the Chicago Tribune to be printed at this location came hot off the presses in May.

Chicago Tribune Freedom Center demolition

Photo via Building Up Chicago

Chicago Tribune Freedom Center demolition

Prep work in early August. Photo via Building Up Chicago

Chicago Tribune Freedom Center demolition

Photo via Building Up Chicago

Chicago Tribune Freedom Center demolition

Photo via Building Up Chicago

The permits issued Monday divide the demolition into four sections: the warehouse, high-bay storage and office space, the railway dock, and the northwest addition. A ceremony was to be held Tuesday at the site to kick off demolition work, although work has been ongoing inside the facility since it closed to prep the site to be torn down. Time is of the essence; the new casino is expected to be open before the end of 2026.

Chicago Tribune Freedom Center demolition

Demolition permit, issued August 26, 2024. Via Chicago Data Portal

Chicago Tribune Freedom Center demolition

Demolition permit, issued August 26, 2024. Via Chicago Data Portal

Chicago Tribune Freedom Center demolition

Demolition permit, issued August 26, 2024. Via Chicago Data Portal

Chicago Tribune Freedom Center demolition

Demolition permit, issued August 26, 2024. Via Chicago Data Portal

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10 Comments on "Bally’s Chicago Casino gets four demolition permits for Chicago Tribune Freedom Center"

  1. NYC also has a casino deal, if you compare the two, our mayor and his buddy Planning Commissioner Ciere Boatright completely folded to Bally. Chicago gets the scraps.

    • What’s better about NYC’s deal?

      • NYC’s casino plans looks world class. As usual Chicago gets left with some crappy rendition. Chicago casino could have been world class if the city picked the site on the 78 with the observation tower. Could have gave the city a new icon.

        Too bad this city hasn’t been forward thinking since Rahm left office. Even the tower designs Chicago gets nowadays are like sunbelt-level. Large parking podium, mid design, sh*t you can find in Atlanta or Dallas. Look at the towers NYC and Toronto are getting, it’s clear Chicago is no longer the architectural capital of the country as it once was.

        • Yeah… that 78 plan would’ve never happened as rendered.

          An observation tower with the Sears Tower a couple blocks away? lol

          The current casino is definitely lackluster, but the value engineering that would’ve swallowed the 78th’s proposal is obvious. And regarding support infrastructure… there’s almost no support services/related businesses in that chunk of the city. A sleepy residential zone, snail’s paced development of the River Line, and China Town/Pilsen (two neighborhoods that would fairly critical of said development).

          All you do is come crying to this website and present almost zero logic to your criticisms.

          • Typical Chicagoan satisfied with mediocrity. I’m sure you can justify Chicago being dead last in apartment construction for all major cities. “bUt iNteReSt RaTeS” Lol interest rates don’t seem to be effecting other cities. Atlanta, NYC, Austin, Miami, etc. are all still booming with construction despite high interest rates. Meanwhile Chicago, the 3rd largest city in America, has only 7 cranes in the sky. Pathetic

        • Agreed Roger

  2. Does anybody know where the theater would be located in the newest iteration? I can’t tell from the facade.

  3. PULL IT

  4. Steve River North | August 31, 2024 at 11:21 am | Reply

    Can we at least get some sweet weekly demo porn???

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