Demolition has begun for Bally’s Chicago Casino

Bally's Chicago casino demolitionNew rendering of Bally's casino by HKS

The first demolition to make way for the new Bally’s Chicago Casino has begun along the Chicago River in West Town. The City of Chicago issued a demo permit for 700 West Erie Street on August 2, with Brandenburg Industrial Service Company serving as the demolition contractor. A long, single-story metal building that was most recently the home of a U-Haul rental facility, it sits on the southwest corner of the development site, at the intersection of Erie and Halsted.

Bally's Chicago casino 700 West Erie demolition

Brandenburg making short work of 700 West Erie Street. Photo via Building Up Chicago

Bally's Chicago casino 700 West Erie demolition

Demo progress, taken August 13, 2024. Photo via Building Up Chicago

Bally's Chicago casino 700 West Erie demolition

Brandenburg in the mist of demolition work. Photo via Building Up Chicago

Coming soon will be the much larger demolition project, that of the Chicago Tribune Freedom Center. The Tribune printed its final edition at this facility back in May, and interior work is ongoing as crews prepare to tear the building down. Bally’s plans to have its new casino open by the end of 2026.

Bally's Chicago casino 700 West Erie demolition

Photo via Building Up Chicago

Bally's Chicago casino 700 West Erie demolition

Photo via Building Up Chicago

Bally's Chicago casino 700 West Erie demolition

Photo via Building Up Chicago

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17 Comments on "Demolition has begun for Bally’s Chicago Casino"

  1. Frank Synopsis | August 16, 2024 at 8:17 am | Reply

    “[I]n the mist of demolition work.”
    I don’t know if that was intentional or not, but given the photo it captioned, it made me chuckle.

  2. What are the proposed grey buildings to the right of the casino in that rendering? I know that opposite Chicago is Halstead Landing. Thanks to anyone who can answer!

    • Steve River North | August 16, 2024 at 11:09 am | Reply

      They are theoretical Housing/Office that someone wants to build later on. Proposed but not approved.

      • From what I understand, the planned development is approved, but the individual buildings are not yet approved. So the site is approved for a lot of housing and they have to now decide how to apportion that out between the future building sites on the former freedom center property.

  3. Steve River North | August 16, 2024 at 11:10 am | Reply

    Do we know if they are going to knock down or implode the main building?

  4. Thats a ton of brick on the freedom center. Wonder how long it will take to get all of that on pallets and shipped out.

  5. Has there been a plan unveiled for how Halsted will be changed to accommodate all of the traffic going to Bally’s and the Onni development?

    Halsted today is regularly backed up from Lake st. to North ave. How on earth do they plan to accommodate all of the new traffic?

  6. Why the casino was closed. We dont have casino in the loop now ?

    • Bally’s in River North is still open. The demolition is for the permanent casino development at Chicago and Halsted.

  7. Casino in the middle of the city!? Corruption at it’s best

  8. Alexis Martinez | August 17, 2024 at 9:43 pm | Reply

    Corruption at it’s best…Sounds like stupid on steroids.Can you explain why having a casino in the city makes is corrupt?

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