We’ve Bean waiting for this moment: Cloud Gate reopens in Millennium Park

The Bean reopeningCrowds flock to The Bean in Millennium Park, one day after it reopened to the public. Photo by Daniel Schell

Cloud Gate, by far Chicago’s shiniest art piece and tourist attraction, is back open to the public after almost a year behind construction fencing. The legume-shaped work by India-born British artist Anish Kapoor had been closed off to the public since August 2023 so Grainger Plaza and the podium on which the sculpture stands could be rebuilt. The City of Chicago announced on its Twitter account Sunday morning that The Bean is Back.

The Bean reopening

Grainger Plaza, home of Cloud Gate, was closed for almost a year. Photo by Daniel Schell

The Bean reopening

Photo by Daniel Schell

A hugely popular attraction since its formal dedication in 2006, The Bean is has become major reason for Millennium Park’s millions and millions of visitors each year. And since August, many of them have been bitterly disappointed to find only photos of the stainless steel sculpture mounted on the fencing, keeping them from literal hands-on interaction with the Loop landmark.

Cloud Gate The Bean reopening

Photo by Daniel Schell

Cloud Gate The Bean reopening

Photo by Daniel Schell

While The Bean itself was not being worked on during this most recent closure, it has been closed off in the past, so the 160-some steel panels could be thoroughly polished and restored to their original luster. With the plaza now open once again to the public, crowds are already standing beneath The Bean’s arch, touching the smooth steel exterior, and photographing their own reflections — and the Michigan Avenue skyline’s — in the glass-like finish.

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