Mars Factory Receives Preliminary Landmark Status

View of the historic factory entrance via Preservation Chicago

Preliminary landmark status has been granted to the Mars Candy Factory at 2019 N Oak Park Avenue in Galewood. Sitting on the intersection with W Armitage Avenue adjacent to the Mars Metra station, the large factory served an important role in Chicago’s confectionery history. The status was granted by the Commission on Chicago Landmarks at their latest meeting as it prepares to close in 2024.

Historic Image of the factory via Wednesday Journal

Built in 1929 in a Spanish Revival style with beige brick, terracotta roof tiles, and a landscaped streetfront, the factory employs roughly 280 people and is one of three factories along with ones in Burr Ridge and Yorkville. The factory has been a huge part of the local community and has gone through multiple expansions including a major one in 1960, at its peak employing 2,500 people and producing all kinds of candy bars.

View of the factory via Commission on Chicago Landmarks

View of the factory via Commission on Chicago Landmarks

As Mars opens a new innovation center on Goose Island, the facility prepares to close and be redeveloped into a new mixed-use campus. The building itself meets multiple criteria for landmark status including being associated with company founder Frank C. Mars, being an exceptional example of an architecture style, and its heritage. Out of this facility and minds iconic snacks like Snickers and M&M’s were created.

Current iteration of the site’s masterplan via Wednesday Journal

Mars is currently still evaluating the proposed redevelopment, with the latest plans calling for a community center, office space, residential units, a new central boulevard, and some natural zones. This includes the preservation of the main factory building which will now move to City Council for its final approval. Currently no date has been set for the final approval nor for the announced redevelopment.

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4 Comments on "Mars Factory Receives Preliminary Landmark Status"

  1. good thing the local alderman & city didn’t let this beauty get torn down.
    common sense prevailed for once.

  2. Carole Hornstrom | October 16, 2023 at 12:40 pm | Reply

    I worked for Mars for almost 30 years. I made many friends there that I still keep in contact with even though I have been gone for 30 years. I hope that the building will be kept in tact it is a beautiful Spanish style building.

  3. I worked third shift there in the early 1980’s and met many wonderful friends who I still keep in contact with to this day. They were a great company to work for back then. There were softball games after work at a park a few blocks down. Such camaraderie is hard to find.

  4. I toured the plant during a Cub Scout visit in 1960. What an experience! We each received a box of Milky Way, Snickerd, and 3 Musketeers candy bars at the end. Best part of the tour.

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