New Project Approved At 4027 South Vincennes Avenue In Bronzeville

4027 South Vincennes Avenue, via Google Maps4027 South Vincennes Avenue, via Google Maps
A new construction permit has been issued for a property located at 4027 South Vincennes Avenue in Bronzeville. The project involves the construction of a new three-story residential building with three dwelling units, a rear open metal porch, and a new three-car garage.
The total fee for the permit is $2,925.00, with $375.00 already paid and $2,550.00 remaining unpaid. The building fee accounts for the majority of the total at $2,850.00, while the zoning fee is $75.00.
The owner of the property is Jaroslaw Madry. Plans were designed by architect Andy Kacprzynski. The reported cost of the project is $450,000.00.

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