Renovation Approved At 1113 South Racine Avenue In Near West Side

1113 South Racine Avenue, via Google Maps1113 South Racine Avenue, via Google Maps
The City of Chicago has issued a permit for the renovation and alteration of a three-story building at 1113 South Racine Avenue in Near West Side. The permit, currently in the inspection phase, will allow for the conversion of the property’s first-floor retail space into a residential unit, bringing the total number of units in the building to three.
The property owner is listed as George Aleman. Hector Castillo, is listed as the architect of record. The reported cost of the project is $12,800.
Permit fees total $2,401, consisting of $1,700 in building fees, $75 in zoning fees, and $626 in other fees. All fees have been paid, with no outstanding or waived amounts.

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