New Construction Permit Issued For Athletic Center At 6121 South Stony Island Avenue In Woodlawn

6121 South Stony Island Avenue, via Google Maps6121 South Stony Island Avenue, via Google Maps

A new construction permit has been issued for a two-story athletic center located at 6121 South Stony Island Avenue in Woodlawn. The permit, which is currently in an active status with fees due, was applied for on May 24 and issued on September 26, with a total processing time of 125 days. The athletic center is a component of the broader Obama Presidential Center development.

The Obama Presidential Center is an $830 million project located at 6000 South Stony Island Avenue. When complete, it will feature a variety of amenities including an auditorium, a restaurant, a bookstore, and a cafe. Notably, the complex will also be home to a new branch of the Chicago Public Library.

The athletic center, which is being developed by The Barak Obama Foundation, will feature 17 interior parking spaces on the ground level. The total development cost for construction is estimated at $71 million.

Fees associated with the permit include $45,484.48 in building fees, $1,750 in zoning fees, and $375 in other fees, for a total of $47,234.48. Of this total, $375 has been paid, with $46,859.48 remaining unpaid. Architect Renauld Mitchell is behind project designs.

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1 Comment on "New Construction Permit Issued For Athletic Center At 6121 South Stony Island Avenue In Woodlawn"

  1. I feel like the title of the article doesn’t quite capture how this is the next phase of the Obama Center…

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